In House and Open House registrations that are held in January and February are for the September start. Admission applications are available on our "Forms" tab. After the completed application is received by the school, you will be notified if there is an available spot for your child. There is a non-refundable enrollment fee (application fee, activities fee and maintenance fee) which can be found on our tuition chart. Payment of this fee is required upon acceptance of a spot for your child in our program. In the event that a spot is not available, you may elect to place your child on the waiting list. (NOTE: Waiting lists begin new each year. If you are on the current list, you must reapply). When a spot becomes available, an admission interview will be scheduled. A 60 day notice is required to remove a child from the program.
NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION is an "Open House Registration" process which is held yearly and takes place in January/February (current families will have the opportunity to register in January before the "Open House to the Public".)
New Student Registration Process:
- Enrollment paperwork may be dropped off at the FRONT OFFICE doors between 9:00am and 3:00pm.
--Paperwork MUST be handed in at the main foyer doors. Please don't leave paperwork in the mailbox
--Please DO NOT include any money with your enrollment forms. A deposit will be required once we can confirm we have a space available for your child.
We strongly encourage families to visit our student handbook, which can be found on our website.
--Please be sure that the policies and procedures followed by FSCP will meet the needs of your family.
-Our selection process is a lottery.
-If your family is selected, you will be notified by both phone and email. Families will have 24 hours from the time the call is received to accept or decline.
-If your family has been selected and you have never had the opportunity to see our school, we will do our best to schedule a tour. Interested families will need to submit their deposit at the end of the tour to secure your spot.
Children must be one year old by September 1st in order to attend the One Year Old Program; two years old by September 1st in order to attend our Two Year Old program. To enter our Three Year Old Program, children must be fully potty trained (toilet themselves independently) and turn 3 years old by September 1st of the enrollment year. Children entering our PreK program must turn 4 years old by September 1st of the enrollment year. Children will be placed in groups by age, program, and availability of space. Please note: Four Seasons Childcare & Preschool will no longer be accepting Infants / Children under 12 months of age.
Services are provided and admissions are made without regard to race, color, religious creed, ancestry, sex, disability or national origin. Families with limited English proficiency will be "buddied" with another family to help make the transition easier. Individual conferences and support will be provided when necessary. Complaints of discrimination may be filed with the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Civil Rights compliance, Departments of Public Welfare, and/or the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.
Health Assessments: The Department of Human Services (DHS) requires that the “date of the health assessment” be documented on the DHS form or the print out from your pediatrician. When submitting Health Assessments to FSCP, please be sure that the date is documented and is signed, otherwise we cannot accept it. The Department of Human Services requires a Health Assessment at the following ages: Young toddler, 12, 18 and 24 months. Every 12 months for an older toddler, 2 year old or preschool child three to four year old’s. Please be sure to ask your pediatrician for a print out of your child’s health assessment at the time of the office visit.
Registration Information
ROLLING ADMISSIONS FOR THE 2024/2025 School year is available if space allows. Please contact us to inquire.
Open Registration for the 2025/2026 school year will begin in February 2025.
See procedures below.
No email, mailbox or early applications will be accepted.
Once all applications have been received, we will randomly select families for available spots.
If your family is selected, you will be notified via email. Families will have 24 hours to accept or decline.

Contact our Office
Mon-Fri 8:30am - 3:00pm